Saturday, May 12, 2012


India once again became a land of several kingdoms, which were frequently at war with each other. The three most important dynasties were the Rajputs, the Pallavas and the Chalukyas. However, in the 9th century a new empire arose in Southern India - the Cholas.

In the late 10th century the Chola king Rajaraja-I began to expand his kingdom. He conquered the neighboring kingdoms of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. The next king, Rajenda I took more territory, including the Ganges and the Andaman Islands. The Chola was a prosperous empire and trade with Southeast Asia and the Arabs thrived.

In the 10th century Turks from central Asia conquered Afghanistan. Under

Brief History Of India
their ruler Mahmud 971-1030, they conquered Punjab. He led raids deep into India and plundered temples. The Turks were able to conquer large parts of Northern India and they created a powerful state - the Delhi Sultanate.

Under the Sultan Qutubuddin and Iltumish, the Sultanate flourished. Iltumish was succeeded by his daughter Raziya. She reigned for only 3 years before she was murdered. But the Sultanate of Delhi declined rapidly in the late 14th century. The final blow came in 1498 when Timurlane, a descendent of Genghis Khan sacked Delhi and massacred most of the inhabitants. At around the same time, another empire arose in the South - the Vijayangar. The Vijayanagar Empire is named after its capital city. The rulers of Vijayanager gradually consolidated their empire, reaching a peak in the 16th century. By then a new empire had arisen - the Mughals.

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