Friday, May 11, 2012


Looking up Dubai Creek towards the Maktoum Bridge, The Dubai Clock Tower is just outside the picture on the left hand side, (don't worry I have it on another slide), the same frenetic pace of life is obvious.

Up Dubai Creek 1995. Impossible to see the Clock Tower, even if it was not off the picture, all these big buildings spoil the view - don't they, just as well they can't build any in the Creek. Note the bridge is now doubled up. 
This photo links up with the previous old one showing the view up the creek and although the 1995 one is all skyscapers and so I have not included it, this one shows the view all the way to the Dubai Clock Tower. It is just to the right of centre almost on the horizon. Very clear on the enlargement. I drove right by the Clock Tower a few weeks ago and almost missed it as it so surrounded by new buildings. It was all pretty open in 1965!
A closeup of the Clock Tower in all it's splendour, long before it became surrounded by high rise buildings and almost lost in the concrete jungle. This picture was taken by John Smith, an old friend of mine when he was in Dubai in about 1967. I don't know if it could be improved, but he emailed it to me and it is not very high resolution.

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